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About Us

D.W. Appeal Inc. has been in existence since 1995.  It was fashioned after the early 1800s abolitionist David Walker. David Walker was a free black man from Wilmington, North Carolina who owned his own tailoring business and absolutely despised the institution of slavery.  In 1827, he wrote a series of articles entitled David Walkers Appeal; his message was simple, slavery was an abomination, and his mission was to enlighten his enslaved brethren to their God given right to freedom “by any means necessary!” Many historians credit David Walker’s Appeal with being instrumental in motivating Nat Turner, in 1831, to launch his revolt.  It is from this proud tradition that D.W. Appeal Inc. attempts to honor our legacy-as well as tradition-one t-shirt at a time!  We hope our collection fills you with hope and a sense of pride in our undoubtedly rich history!